The Bridge Medical Centre

General Practice – Newbridge Retail Park, co.Kildare

Our Services

Our service strives to take into account the needs of all the family, including our very youngest to the most experienced and senior members. Patients who are particularly ill or with pressing needs may be seen on a priority basis, and please bear with us in this.

Services available include a complete range of General Practice Services, including acute medical care, management of chronic medical conditions, family planning, minor surgical procedures and travel vaccines. Regrettably, not all of these services are covered by the Medical Card Scheme.

And you do not have to be actually sick! Adolescents who have specific health concerns, or mums and dads feeling slightly threadbare, are very welcome to discuss any issues with either the GP or Practice Nurse. Structured consultations (‘Well Person Checks’) are part of our service, as are Practice Nurse Consultations on Smoking Cessation, and Family Planning (particularly relevant for adolescents).

The Practice is deeply involved in prevention. This may impact on your care, and it is likely that issues such as smoking cessation, cholesterol checks and cervical smears will be explored during your consultations. Regrettably, not all of these services are covered by the Medical Card Scheme; check the waiting room notice board for current fee schedule, and / or enquire at Reception or with your GP.