The Bridge Medical Centre

General Practice – Newbridge Retail Park, co.Kildare

‘From 0 to 5, Your Baby and Child’ by Penelope Leach

This is a classic and wonderful book on parenting, and particularly suited for working Mums and Dads. Though the last edition is 2010, babies and children haven’t changed much since then ! Fantastic real life illustrations throughout, and a deep source of common sense and parenting tips for every eventuality

This series of books by Stephen and Sharon Biddulph work well, irrespective of what kind of household you are running. This Australian couple have a great handle on the contemporary challenges of raising happy children in the era of social media, rapidly changing customs and highly mobile careers.

If you and your favourite Adolescent(s) are challenged by their adjustment to adult life, you may both enjoy this imaginative well written book, full of fascinating insights and latest thinking on adolescent psychology, why it collides with adult psychology, and most importantly, what you can do with it !

Its a classic Loo Book, to be left there, and enjoyed by different family members !

Having trouble with your interpersonal relationships ? Welcome to the human race !

In this classic (originally published 1973), Eric Berne describes his model of Transactional Analysis, and how you can use it to make sense and better purpose, out of your relationships at home, and at work.

Another classic, if you’ve become snowed under and overwhelmed by the details of life (or if your inner perfectionist has taken you over). This is Richard Carlson’s classic, and constantly in print since it was published over 20 years ago. It’s another easily read Loo Book !

If you get a charge out of it, Carlson then went on to write a series of follow ons…… ‘Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Moms (yes its written in American !),’ ‘Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Dads,’ ‘Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff at Work,’ ‘…..for Teens,’ ‘….for Parents’ etc.

And then finally he wrote ‘What about the Big Stuff !’

‘Think Ahead’ is an essential planning tool for anyone over 50 years of age, or anyone with a Life Limiting illness such as Diabetes, established Heart Disease, any major Cancer (eg Breast, Prostate, Colon, Melanoma, Lung) or early onset Dementia.

Its available at the Irish Hospice Foundation (, either as a free downloadable pdf, or as a print copy (e4.00).

This series of brief You Tube Videos by Dr Mike Evans are delightful and highly recommended.

From the original (‘23 and 1/2 Hours’) on getting started back at a bit of exercise, this articulate Canadian Doctor has built up a series of very attractive and evidence based short videos on some big health issues – stress, back pain, better eating habits. Take a quick look at ’23 and ½ Hours’ and see if he presses your buttons !

Don’t Google any health issue ! There is a lot of mis information on WWW, and also, the worst stories often have the highest visibility, irrespective of their questionable relevance to your query.

So googling ‘Headache’ will bring you straight to Brain Tumours and Strokes !!

(Fortunately, most headaches are not caused by Brain Tumors or Strokes….)

We strongly recommend as your first ‘go to’ port of call for any health query.

It’s clear, reliable, kept up to date, and often will signpost you to other reliable websites/resources  relevant to your query. After this, it’s well worth while logging onto and searching it for any Irish specific guidance and relevant services. Finally, many of the great Irish Voluntary Organisation websites are full of great information, including The Irish Asthma Society, The Irish Cancer Society, The Irish Hospice Foundation (for everything on Dying, Death and Bereavement, emotional support and education), The Irish Heart Foundation, and The Alzheimer Society of Ireland.

Brain Food – it’s a very important stress buster !

Two platforms we strongly recommend taking a look at Ted Talks ( and Future Learn ( which are both largely free to use.

Ted is a Library of c 3,500 short talks delivered by highly skilled experts, selected because of their enthusiasm, expertise and ability to communicate. Future Learn is an online education platform with c 700 short courses (many eligible for University Credits), and also delivered by Tutors who have international reputations in their field.

Two really important local agencies in the Mental Health Space include for people with anxiety and depression, and you’ll find a link in to local AA Groups on, if you are worried about your own or someone else’s alcohol consumption.

The Samaritans were started in 1953 by Chad Varah, then a young Vicar in the UK. He had just ministered at the funeral of a 14 year old who had suicided. The child had had her first period, but believed she had a fatal sexually transmitted disease. The isolation of her circumstances inspired him to establish this great global organisation.

If you are feeling locked in, with feelings of persistent desperation, consider calling us (045 432999), or calling them. There’s always a way out, but sometimes it needs someone to shine a light on it for you.

Call the freephone number (116 123) – you don’t need credit on your phone,

or log on to


HSE information and application forms

Covid 19 guidelines:

Apply for a medical card:

GP visit card:

Cross border directive:

Grants for home renovations

Looking for aid to carry out adaption works on a relatives home? Kildare County Council offer a range of assistance grants to adapt/ extend the home to make it more suitable for a person with a disability or elderly person struggling in the current home. Click below to follow the link to the Council website for more information.

Social Welfare assistance

Illness benefit: Following Covid-19 restrictions in March 2020, The Department of Social Protection has now allowed patients to fill in their IB1 forms online. Please follow the link here if you need to apply

Carers allowance:

Disability allowance:

Invalidity pension:

Incapacity to work: